I have always loved to travel. I’ve recently returned to live/retire in New Zealand after completing “the big OE”. My “OE” lasted 40+ years. In that time, I lived abroad, got married, gave birth to a wonderful daughter (now nearly 23), got divorced and finally made the decision to leave my daughter in Brisbane Australia to begin her own life adventure while I retire to the beauty and slower pace of life in Reefton New Zealand.
I was born in Wellington New Zealand and at the age of two my family moved to the South Island. I grew up in various rural towns in the South Island. My brother and I generally had a “Free-Range” childhood, providing we told Mum or Dad where we were going and to be home for dinner.
At the grand old age of 18, I brought a one-way ticket to Melbourne Australia. I had just finished a few months picking fruit in Richmond, just outside of Nelson, and with nothing else on the cards one of the other girls I worked with suggested we go to Melbourne. It seemed as good an idea as any, although I’m pretty sure my Mum wasn’t so thrilled!
Over the next 40 years I travelled to many parts of the world, sometimes solo, sometimes part of a small group and at other times with family and or friends. The more I travelled the more I realised there was to see. I am continually adding places to my list. 😊
Travelling has made me appreciate how lucky I am to live in the part of the world I do. During my travels, I have seen things that have broken my heart, scared me and other things that have made my spirits soar.
When I was in my late 40’s I was diagnosed with a Chronic Autoimmune condition, Sjogren’s Syndrome with a probable Lupus component. This made me re-evaluate my life and the direction it seemed to be taking at the time. I felt I was simply existing and not living life. Initially the changes were small, I still had a young daughter at school, husband and a mortgage. Any chance to take a road trip or family holiday was jumped on.
Over the years a number of family, friends and acquaintances have passed away before they should have. Each time this happened, it has re-enforced the “live for the moment” sentiment I now have. At my younger brother’s funeral someone read the verse – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Here are three lines from that verse:
YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control.
TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control.
This leaves only one day – TODAY.
I’m at a point in my life where I want to “Live the Life I Love, and Love the Life I Live”. I do my best to do this each day.
Now my daughter is out on her own (albeit with regular calls to touch-base with Mum – which I love), and now being single, I’m about to spread my wings again. However, my travels for the immediate future will be road-trips closer to home as I am on a waiting list for a hip replacement. This threw a spanner in the works for my planned for trip to Morrocco, Spain and Ireland later this year. I will adapt and show that you don’t always need to travel far or spend lots to experience the wonders of our world. These can be found closer to home than we realise, we just have to open our eyes to see the opportunities.
I’m not much of a writer, but I do love taking photos. I hope you will journey with me via my photos and short notes. I hope they will inspire you to take that first step to making the most of every day and to find joy wherever you are.
Welcome along for the ride!
Warmest Regards,