Why do I travel?
The answers are many and varied.
For various reasons, Mum and Dad moved every few years, which meant changing schools and making new friends regularly. Maybe this is why the urge to travel and explore is a strong part of my make up? Maybe it’s genetics? Mum and Dad were two of the many £10 “Poms” that arrived in New Zealand in the late 50’s. I think it’s a brave decision to give up family, friends and the familiar to start a new life on the other side of the world.
Travelling is not everyone’s cup of tea. I have met some people that are much happier staying close to home. For me, the further off the beaten track the better for the most part. Although to see some of the many wonders of the world you have to join the crowds.
A dear friend of mine found and sent the following to me:

This is so me!
Travelling is definitely about the journey. I usually start with a bit of plan that ends up being quite fluid at times. I will see a sign while on a road-trip and think, “That sounds interesting”. Sometimes it is, at other times not so much. If I see a sign to a look-out, of course I have to go and have a look. The view might be stunning. It might be a great spot to take out the Thermos and make a cup of tea, or not. Until we take the time to look, we will never know. A bit like life, you never know until you try or take a look at your options.
In my 20’s & early 30’s I had no desire to save for a house or have a mortgage. I wanted to live life and see the world. I would earn some money and then go travelling. Sometimes I would pick up work along the way and other times I would head back home to work for a bit. For a number of years, I was privileged to work part of the year in Antarctica. I was able to save money and once my “ice-time” was over, I would spend the rest of the year travelling. Although after my final stint of 15 months in Antarctica, I did buy a piece of land in New Zealand, before heading back to Australia.
During this time there weren’t mobile phones or the internet. Travelling involved doing a bit of leg work to find the best airfares, listening to other travellers to find out about interesting places to visit or good places to eat or stay – no Google or Tripadvisor.
Now I see something on-line or read something, and it’s added to the places I want to see or things I want to experience. Our home (Earth) has so much to offer, and I want to see as much as I can while I’m able.
I travel to see the places, people and cultures that are beautiful, amazing, inspiring, and that make you think about your place in the world. There are some amazing things to experience both natural and man-made. I think we should take the time and make the effort to see what we can, to be inspired, over-awed and made to feel insignificant by the sheer majesty of our world.
Travel can also show you the dark side of humanity. Poverty, mistreatment of people and animals, bribery, corruption and political unrest. These are the things that have made me look at what I have and to appreciate it.
The world has so much to offer. This planet we live on is our home. We should all take the time and make the effort to take a good look at it and all that it has to offer. It’s pretty awesome! Warts and all.
Happy travels.